First Round Abstract Submission Ends On: Aug 28, 2024
Early Bird Registration Ends: Before May 20, 2024
Online - Inperson

Where Numbers Speak:
Truth Echoes


Plenary Talks


Keynote Talks


Oral Talks


Poster Presentations



I cordially invite you to join us for the highly anticipated International ConfEx on Infrastructure and Construction ConfEx in Barcelona, Spain on April 21–23, 2025.

The conference aims to bring together experts, researchers, industry leaders, and young researchers to discuss the latest innovations, trends, and solutions in the Infrastructure and Construction ConfEx Our primary goal is to unite esteemed scholars, practitioners, and policymakers from around the globe, fostering the exchange of ideas, sharing knowledge, and exploring innovative solutions to contemporary Infra and Construction challenges. Join us in this enlightening journey of collaboration and learning as we strive to help establish connections for early career scientists across the globe.

INFRACONFEX2025 offers an extraordinary scientific program with an impressive roster of world-renowned speakers and a wide range of special sessions and activities. A warm invitation is extended herewith to all potential individuals and enthusiasts to join this exclusive platform on April 21–23, 2025.



Plenary Speakers

Prof. Iman Hajirasouliha
University of Sheffield
Prof. Iman Hajirasouliha

University of Sheffield

Dr. Jinsong Wu
University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
Dr. Jinsong Wu

University of Chile
Santiago, Chile


Keynote Speakers

Dr. Tamim Younos
Green Water-Infrastructure Academy
Dr. Tamim Younos

Green Water-Infrastructure Academy


Invited Speakers

Dr. Biao Hu
Shenzhen University
Dr. Biao Hu

Shenzhen University

Key Dates

Key Dates

Conference Dates
April 21-23, 2025
Abstract Submission Deadline
Aug 28, 2024
1st Round Registration
May 20, 2024


Infrastructure and Construction

Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

Highway and Transportation Engineering

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Hydraulic Engineering and Hydro-Electric Engineering

Constructional Steel Research

Infrastructure in the Mining Industry

Geotechnical Engineering

Planning and Architectural Design

Steel and Composite Structures

Structural Control and Health Monitoring

Nano Concrete and Environmental Energy Economics

Project Management & Quality Assurance

Irrigation and Hydrologic Modeling

3D Printing and Volumetric Construction

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Connotations in Architecture

Environmental Engineering and Climate Change

Soil degradation and the Built Environment

Construction Safety Management and Landscape Design

Reinforced Concrete and Waste Management

Urban Water Engineering

Mining and Rock Engineering

Skyscrapers and Solar Building

Urban Planning and Public Affairs

Construction Robotics

25% Off On Early Bird Registrations

Contact us now and we will make your event unique & unforgettable

Registration Prices

Registration Prices

Pre Earlybird May 20, 2024


Pre Earlybird
Welcome coffeeAccess to All Talks + Posters
Access to All Talks + Posters
Conference material
Lunch, tea / coffee break
WiFi in meeting rooms
$ 799
Pre Earlybird May 20, 2024


Pre Earlybird
Welcome coffeeAccess to All Talks + Posters
Access to All Talks + Posters
Conference material
Lunch, tea / coffee break
WiFi in meeting rooms
$ 899
Pre Earlybird May 20, 2024


Pre Earlybird
Welcome coffeeAccess to All Talks + Posters
Access to All Talks + Posters
Conference material
Lunch, tea / coffee break
WiFi in meeting rooms
$ 499

Group Participation Booking

Groups of Three or More Participations we are Providing A Special Discount on your Participations. For more info/Queries, Please Contact Us

Email us

Contact Us

Call Us: +91 89 779 98 588
Barcelona, Spain