First Round Abstract Submission Ends On: Aug 28, 2024
Early Bird Registration Ends: Before May 20, 2024
Online - Inperson




Infrastructure and Construction

Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

Highway and Transportation Engineering

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Hydraulic Engineering and Hydro-Electric Engineering

Constructional Steel Research

Infrastructure in the Mining Industry

Geotechnical Engineering

Planning and Architectural Design

Steel and Composite Structures

Structural Control and Health Monitoring

Nano Concrete and Environmental Energy Economics

Project Management & Quality Assurance

Irrigation and Hydrologic Modeling

3D Printing and Volumetric Construction

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Connotations in Architecture

Environmental Engineering and Climate Change

Soil degradation and the Built Environment

Construction Safety Management and Landscape Design

Reinforced Concrete and Waste Management

Urban Water Engineering

Mining and Rock Engineering

Skyscrapers and Solar Building

Urban Planning and Public Affairs

Construction Robotics